By Clive Munn FEM on Tuesday, 19 April 2016
Posted in Thought of the day
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Given that our Socioeconomic Conscience is about helping one and other globally, how can separation do anything less than harm or even destruction? No matter what the figures, surely divorce is always painful emotionally, financially, economically and should only be considered as a last resort. The result causes adversary and splits the loyalty of what unity has created, the children, the sense of belonging, the peace of mind, the sense of achievement. Compromise may not be easy but it has a healing effect and creates rather than destroying the peace of mind we find within a good human family. Do you have a socioeconomic conscience?
We believe that everyone has a socioeconomic conscience, it is inbuilt from when we are conceived but has to be nurtured by doing and living what is best for all.
more than a month ago
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