By Clive Munn (admin) on Wednesday, 03 November 2021
Posted in Thought of the day
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As MUNNFTSE has been saying since its inception in 2015, finance has a huge role to play in helping us all and now, specifically, helping us to become more green and sustainable.

  • It is time that we learnt to invest better with more sustainable options, avoiding or even banning other investements that are bad for the environment.

  • The key is, of course, to provide more commercially viable low carbon investments with committed 'green' partners such as forest investments with Hedgerow Inc.

    Governments must provide the economic conditions where the profit comes from low carbon investment.

    Companies and banks should be made to Report on exposure to climate risks as well as their proportion of investments in sustainable business.

This way trillions can pour in to sustainable finance where being Green will become a matter of survival!
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