By ContactFEM on Wednesday, 04 May 2016
Posted in Thought of the day
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Many of us blame the finance industry for a lot of negative things, which have been happening to the world since 2008, especially the Western part of it. However, it seems that even the finance industry wishes to join the socioeconomic revolution we are going through, by investing their efforts into helping to change the world for the better. Two countries which are trying to lead the initiative in social investing are Switzerland and Luxembourg, which means that others are highly likely to follow. What do you think the finance industry could do to facilitate its contribution?

Check out FEMpower and share your thoughts in the comment section bellow.
Of course you are right. Don't talk about it juist do it. Subscribe to , come to our work, play, living, gardening sharing centres.

Our head office is 12 rue Notre Dame, Luxembourg. We look forward to seeing you there as from 1 February 2021 (With masks etc., etc!!)

Have a great weekend

From the MUNNFTSE Team!
more than a month ago
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Of course you are right. Don't talk about it, just do it. Subscribe to or come to one of our work, play, living, gardening & sharing centres any time.

Our head office is 12 rue Notre Dame, Luxembourg. We look forward to seeing you there as from 1 February 2021 (With masks etc., etc!!)

Have a great weekend!

From the MUNNFTSE Team!
more than a month ago
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Of course you are right. Don't talk about it, just do it. Subscribe to or come to one of our work, play, living, gardening & sharing centres any time.

Our head office is 12 rue Notre Dame, Luxembourg. We look forward to seeing you there as from 1 February 2021 (With masks etc., etc!!)

Have a great weekend!

From the MUNNFTSE Team!
more than a month ago
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