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Clive Munn: Making Money While Walking With Bitwalking

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Perhaps a Way to Raise Up the Poor

Share the belief and benefits of a new, equal, global economy for all.

You may have heard of digital currencies, or perhaps local currencies like the Beki which was discussed recently on Indeed, Luxembourg’s financial regulator has been supporting the growth of the FinTech hub and has agreed that one of the main digital currencies “Bitcoin” can be used as a means of payment declaring that it is “open for business” and ready to develop innovative and flexible regulation by providing “BitLicense” agreements.

This week a totally new concept was launched in some countries, including the UK, based on these exciting innovations that could actually empower individuals to convert their daily steps into digital money that they can spend, save or whatever, just like existing currencies. “Bitwalking”, as it has been named, could effectively give everyone the freedom and opportunity simply to make money by walking.

Also, walking is healthier for us and means less use of vehicles, which in turn means less pollution for us and the planet; Bitwalking is a green and healthy concept too! While most people are unable to generate and benefit from digital currencies, Bitwalking is an innovative solution that rewards people for walking, by allowing everyone not only to generate money, but to manage and use it as well. Here, a step is worth the same value for everyone - no matter who you are, or where you are. What matters is how much you walk.

Those interested can generate their own funds simply by digitally tracking their actions / movement, a bit like with a jogging app, for example.

How it works is as follows: the more you walk, the more one accumulates Bitwalking Dollars (BW$) in your account. You trade money with other Bitwalkers too, as well as trading in the Bitwalking marketplace which comprises local businesses, online retailers, brands, charities and local governments - that share the belief in an economy for all. Bitwalking also allows you to transfer Bitwalking Dollars into bank accounts or PayPal accounts.

To take your first Bitwalking steps, you need to download the Bitwalking App (by sending a request via It’s free-of-charge to use. It validates your steps and converts them into Bitwalking Dollars (BW$) which you can then use in the Bitwalking Marketplace, also available from the App. Initially, BitWalking is being launched in the UK, Japan, Kenya and Malawi.

You can discover more here:

Personally I have now received an email from the Bitwalking Team saying I am on their list but that they are sending out a limited number of invitations each week and hope to send mine soon.

What may be the driving force here is the growing influence of social capital and social enterprise to combat some of the issues encountered with more capitalist concepts since the financial crisis in 2008.

This article is the first in a regular series on behalf of MFTSE Affairs S.A. which has been set up to promote finance for good with a socio-economic objective and influence in order to foster a fairer, more caring and sharing environment.

Also, we plan to launch our WebSite in early January – watch this space!

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Comments (2)

  • Clive Munn (admin)

    Clive Munn (admin)

    05 January 2016 at 21:08 | #

    With 40+ years’ experience in the banking industry, Clive has combined his love of outdoor pursuits and passion for community sharing, with the launch of MFTSE Affairs SA, a company adopting a “Winning by Sharing” ethos and aiming to promote finance for good with a socio-economic objective and influence in order to foster a fairer, more caring and sharing environment.
    Please see article published in


  • Clive Munn (admin)

    Clive Munn (admin)

    06 January 2016 at 16:40 | #

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