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  Wednesday, 27 October 2021
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Floating solar panels in Differdange, by ArcelorMittal and Enovos
Teodor Georgiev
Written by Teodor Georgiev for Delano

The floating solar farm in Differdange is the result of an agreement signed by ArcelorMittal and Enovos in 2019. Photo: ArcelorMittal

ArcelorMittal, in partnership with Enovos, inaugurated Luxembourg’s first floating solar farm in Differdange, projected to provide energy equal to the annual electricity usage of 3,200 people.

The installation has been set up on a former cooling pond and is made up of 25,000m2 of solar panels with a surface area of 5.7 hectares. It is expected to produce 3 GWh/year which would be enough to power nearly 800 local homes.

“With this project, which is in line with ArcelorMittal’s sustainable development strategy in Luxembourg, and in particular with our commitment to communities and citizens, we have made available the conversion of an industrial basin for sustainable energy production. The combined efforts of ArcelorMittal and Enovos have made it possible to develop an innovative solution for the benefit of Luxembourg households,” said Thomas Georges, CEO of ArcelorMittal Differdange.

Aiming to contribute to Luxembourg’s self-sufficiency, the solar farm is the result of a joint project by ArcelorMittal and Enovos. It was initiated after a call for projects launched by the government in 2019. According to the two companies’ agreement, ArcelorMittal took upon itself the construction of the installation in its industrial basin in Differdange while Enovos, which owns, manages and operates the photovoltaic structure, will be given access to the site.

For Enovos, this project is also about sustainability. “The Differdange floating plant is a clear example of how, by joining forces with industry and the energy supplier, we can advance the energy transition. We are proud to have ArcelorMittal as a partner on our journey to carbon neutrality,” stated the energy operator.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by HRH Grand Duke Henri and energy minister Claude Turmes.

Kind Regards / Meilleures salutations /Léif Greiss,


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